Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

We Belong Together for No Reason

Look straight on me
Find the light inside me
The brightest one
The never get down

We belong together for no reason

We're just boys and girls
I'll come into you someday with a pearl
To enlighten your eyes
Take you to the life race

We belong together for no reason

Yes, there's nothing too good to be true
We're all the same in blue
Stupid mistake maker
Silly young people pursuing the dream higher

We belong together for no reason

Take the ticket and we'll get on the train
Having world wide journey with no pain
Begin from Jogja to Prague Barcelona then
Drink the best wine after through out our vain

We belong together for no reason

AG -Depok, 12 Agustus 2010
*sedang belajar bahasa non-Indonesia, maaf kalau payah

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